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Mindings presented at Social Media Week “Digital Legacy” event

Last night Mindings’ Stuart Arnott presented at a Social Media Week London event entitled “Death, Digital Demise, Community & Our Digital Legacy” – curated by James Norris, CEO & Founder of ‘afterlife’ social networking service DeadSocial.

DeadSocial is a free social media tool that allows people to create scheduled messages that are distributed across social networks after death. The service allows people to say their final goodbyes on their own terms and to extend their digital legacy using the social web.

The event aimed to explore society’s changing attitudes and behaviour in relation to end-of-life and mourning. It examined the role of social media in relation to end-of-life and how death and bereavement is being disrupted by technology.

Speakers at the event included:

  • Jon Underwood, founder of Death Cafe, where people talk openly about death and loss in a non-judgmental setting over tea and cake.

  • Dr Aaron Balick, a psychotherapist who explored death in today’s digital society referencing Freud’s work in relation to mourning, grief and time.

  • Lawrence Darani, is a terminally ill adult philosopher & existentialist, discussing “what specifically is it about death that frightens us”?

  • Jack Rooke, a resident artist at the Camden Roundhouse and ambassador for the male suicide prevention charity CALM, who dissembles death and grief through the spoken word.

Jack Rooke, Spoken Word Performer

At the end of the evening, appropriately, drinks and nibbles were supplied by a funeral director – London-based Levertons, who have served London since 1789.

Read more about DeadSocial:

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Mindings Team

Some comments from Twitter after the event…

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