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Writer's pictureStuart

How a woman’s night-time wandering problem was helped by Mindings

We love receiving feedback from users, and we particularly enjoy hearing how Mindings is being used in interesting ways – often ways we never even envisaged!

New Flexible Notes feature

One of our users has been trialing a new Mindings feature called “Flexible Notes”, that enables the creation of new bespoke features.  Messages can be created with a specific title, body text and an accompanying pictures, and they can be programmed to display at specific times for specific periods.

Our user, Susan, wanted Mindings to display a night message for her Mum, Mary, who has dementia, and is prone to night-time wandering in her care home.  A dementia night clock that Susan had bought had been rejected by her mother as the cold “It’s night time” message was simply a reminder that she was alone and living with dementia.

So, Susan created a Flexible Note that every night between 8pm and 7am displays a picture of Mary’s made-up bed with her night-dress on it, and a personal message saying “Good night Mum, sleep tight. See you in the morning. Love you. Susan xxx”.

Instead of an instruction to go to bed, if Mary gets up in the night, she is greeted by a loving message from her daughter, that also happens to reminder her that she should be in bed.

Novel night-time clock

Susan says that these messages are very effective, and the care home staff say that if Mary wanders in the night they can point her to Mindings and say “look, it’s a message from your daughter saying that it’s night time” and she is more likely to return to bed, satisfied that if her own daughter says that she should be in bed then it must be so.

Susan even uses a Flexible Note to remind her Mum of dinner time, and that bed time will follow:

People living with dementia need to understand what’s happening now and what’s coming up next.  These Flexible Notes are perfect as they help Mum orientate herself, but they’re not ‘instructing’ her, which she rejects. Mum’s just happy to have nice personal messages from me.

This story is a perfect example of what we mean when we talk about Mindings being a powerful platform to create a personal, caring and light-touch care service.

You can get the instructions for setting up Flexible Notes here.

If you have any similar stories or tips, we’d be delighted to hear them and share them with our users!

These ‘case studies’ are genuine feedback from users – often unsolicited. We use their own words where possible, but we edit their stories for brevity. We may change the names of users and be vague about their location for  privacy reasons. Pictures are genuine and supplied by users, but may be edited for privacy reasons or enhanced for clarity.


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