Welcome to our seventh Disruptive Social Care Podcast , we hope that you enjoy it!
Follow Shirley and Stuart on Twitter:
Stuart Arnott on Twitter: @MindingsStu
Shirley Ayres on Twitter: @ShirleyAyres
Show Notes
Paralympics Best coverage on Disability Horizons - http://disabilityhorizons.com/ & https://twitter.com/DHorizons The Team: https://en.twitter.com/martynsibley
Channel Four's "The Last Leg" #TheLastLeg#isitok Presenters: https://en.twitter.com/adamhillscomedy & https://en.twitter.com/alex_brooker & https://en.twitter.com/clarebalding1
Last Fortnight Round-Up
Cabinet Re-Shuffle Outgoing: https://twitter.com/PaulBurstow & https://twitter.com/timloughton Incoming: https://twitter.com/normanlamb Social
Innovation Camp "What is the potential for new startups to get involved in Social Care?" http://bit.ly/OFJmRV#sicamphttps://twitter.com/sicamp
Business Support "an industry in itself" https://twitter.com/dougrichardhttps://twitter.com/innovateuk
https://twitter.com/guykawasaki Guy Kawasaki Book: "Enchantment"
http://astore.amazon.co.uk/dsc-podcas... Book: "The Art of the Start" (Stuart's business strt-up bible) http://astore.amazon.co.uk/dsc-podcas...
Cheap crowd-sourced logo design - http://99designs.co.uk/ Stuart's business support - https://twitter.com/setsquared Mindings
"Top 20 British Tech start-ups" http://www.techradar.com/news/world-o...
Mindings at StartUp Britain (http://www.startupbritain.co/) http://www.hackneyhouse.org/http://dont.pitchmebro.com/https://twitter.com/DontPitchMeBro
What can tech companies do to enrich the lives of older people? https://twitter.com/jeremywils0nhttps://twitter.com/KernelMaghttp://www.kernelmag.com/comment/colu...
Study finds that internet use cuts depression in older people http://www.headstar.com/eablive/?p=765
Computers cut dementia risk http://www.sciencealert.com.au/news/2...
Nesta Centre for Challenge Ageing Well Challenge http:// http://www.nesta.org.uk/areas_of_work...https://twitter.com/Challenge_prize ***
Advice from Twitter if your account has been hacked or compromised https://support.twitter.com/groups/33...
Some local government recommendations
https://twitter.com/MonmouthshireCC Who have opened up the use of social media for all staff and provided excellent guidance, support and training.
http://www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/110/?L= Chief Executive of Monmouthshire County Council https://twitter.com/PaulMatthews67
https://twitter.com/helreynolds Communications Officer Monmouthshire County Council
https://twitter.com/MCCBobGreenland Councillor for Devauden on Monmouthshire County Council, Deputy Leader. Chair of Welsh Conservative Councillors' Association
https://twitter.com/danslee who generously shares his knowledge and wisdom of local government communications. Dan works at Walsall Council and is a contributor to https://twitter.com/comms2point0 http://danslee.wordpress.com/
Nigel Bishop https://twitter.com/ashroplad Who organised the excellent Digital Futures conference in Shropshire #digifutures12
https://twitter.com/katebentham Who manages the Shropshire Family Information Service and uses social media to provide information and support to parents and carers of children and young people. https://twitter.com/shropfamilyinfo
https://twitter.com/DCCTayside Gordon Scobbie Deputy Chief Constable Tayside Police and UK police lead for Social Media who received the ConnectedCops award for International Social Media 'Top Cop' at #smilecon
https://twitter.com/MarkOneinFour Mark Brown edits One in Four, England's only national mental health and wellbeing magazine written by people who experience mental health difficulties http://www.oneinfourmag.org
BardOwl wins Meffy Award https://twitter.com/Bardowl