Welcome to our sixth Disruptive Social Care Podcast , we hope that you enjoy it!
Follow Shirley and Stuart on Twitter:
Stuart Arnott on Twitter: @MindingsStu
Shirley Ayres on Twitter: @ShirleyAyres
Show Notes
5 Tips for living from Craigslist - for free http://www.fastcocreate.com/1681416/5...
A strictly platonic one on one with Craiglist Joe. http://www.blog.filmarmy.ca/2012/08/a...
Inclusion London's free pilot leadership course -- "Understanding leadership in the disability movement" http://arbitraryc.wordpress.com/2012/...
Disability activists use social media to put care cuts on the political agenda @patrickjbutler http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/201...
Andrea Sutcliffe tweets as @Crouchendtiger7
What social care can learn from Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky? http://www.guardian.co.uk/social-care...
Find Me Good Care http://www.findmegoodcare.co.uk/
Get Connected Project http://www.scie.org.uk/workforce/getc...
Nurse First http://www.nursefirst.org.uk/
One good tweet from a CEO is worth more than 100 tweets from other staff. http://socialmediatoday.com/maddiegra...
@FriendsElderly http://www.fote.org.uk
@ivoUK http://ivo.org
@helpfromhome http://www.helpfromhome.org/ Social media influencers
@euan http://euansemple.com/
@markwschaefer http://www.businessesgrow.com/
@briansolis http://www.briansolis.com/
@equalman http://www.socialnomics.net/
@NealSchaffer http://www.windmillnetworking.com/
Claims for backdated payments from little-known NHS Continuing Healthcare benefit which ends 30th September 2012. http://chill4us.com/news/continuing-h...
Information about the Comic Relief, Nominet Trust Right Here (Paul Hamlyn Foundation Mental Health Foundation) £600,000 funding programme). http://www.nominettrust.org.uk/news-e...
New Ageing Well challenge from Nesta invites innovative ideas to address isolation and older people http://www.nesta.org.uk/givingchallenges