Welcome to our seventeenth Disruptive Social Care Podcast , we hope that you enjoy it!
Follow Shirley and Stuart on Twitter:
Stuart Arnott on Twitter: @MindingsStu
Shirley Ayres on Twitter: @ShirleyAyres
Show Notes
Big thank you to our show sponsors:
"Can online innovations enhance social care?" http://www.nominettrust.org.uk/knowle...
How online personal support networks can promote more integrated care http://www.nominettrust.org.uk/knowle...
Click Guide to Digital technology for Adult Social Care http://shirleyayres.wordpress.com/201...
"I care" two words that can change the world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1GAns...
The Telecare Learning and Improvement Network monthly eNewsletter http://www.telecarelin.org.uk/
Loneliness, one of the hardest things for doctors & patients to talk about https://twitter.com/mellojonny
NHS Employers HR and social media in the NHS: An essential guide for HR directors and managers now available as a free eBook
Supporting practitioners to make sense of social media in mental health practice https://twitter.com/VictoriaBetton & https://twitter.com/nlightspr
"I'm the boss of me!" interview with https://twitter.com/claireOT & https://twitter.com/MarkOneinFour exploring mental health and self-employment http://www.oneinfourmag.org/index.php...
Formalised Informality an action plan to spread proven health innovations by Dr Jonathan Lomas http://www.health.govt.nz/publication...
https://twitter.com/communityhowto helps people do more in their communities using digital tools. http://www.communityhowto.com/
https://twitter.com/_RunAClub is an easy to use, online toolkit to help any community run any type of club. http://www.runaclub.com/
Living map of ageing innovators https://twitter.com/nesta_uk a guide to some of the most exciting things happening in the world of ageing. http://ageinginnovators.org/
Living map of job innovators https://twitter.com/nesta_uk a quick guide to some of the most exciting things happening in the world of job creation. http://jobsinnovators.org/
Promoting digital participation through community hubs https://twitter.com/NDAProgramme
Across the Divide a new @CarnegieUKTrust report on tackling digital exclusion in Glasgow. http://www.carnegieuktrust.org.uk/pub...
Behind the Headlines set up by https://twitter.com/muirgray to provide unbiased & evidence-based analysis of health stories https://twitter.com/NHSNewsUK the science behind the news http://www.nhs.uk/news/Pages/about-be...
Connecting People Intervention international feasibility study https://twitter.com/mgoat73
#wonkcomms masterclass in communications a storify of the Future of think tanks event https://twitter.com/odi_development
Seven Twitter mistakes we all have to make before we can call ourselves pros https://twitter.com/HelReynolds
https://twitter.com/dragonmisery lovingly nurturing dementiachallengers.com
https://twitter.com/RSSgetstats giving numbers meaning & helping decode complexity.
Balancing the books? Smith Square Debates 14 May London #lgadebates
Citizen 2013 June 13th London #citizen2013http://citizen-2012.org/
Kings Fund international congress on telehealth and telecare 1st 3rd July London http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/events/th...
Introducing the Care in the Digital Age programme #digicare