Welcome to our thirteenth Disruptive Social Care Podcast , we hope that you enjoy it!
Follow Shirley and Stuart on Twitter:
Stuart Arnott on Twitter: @MindingsStu
Shirley Ayres on Twitter: @ShirleyAyres
Show Notes
http://ribot.co.uk/ Interface Innovation
http://threedomphone.com Signup for updates on the Threedom Phone project
Read more about the Threedom Phone project http://ribot.co.uk/projects/threedom-...
Anthony Ribot https://twitter.com/ribotmaximus Co-founder of ribot. Inspired by human behaviour, natural systems and good food.
Jerome Ribot https://twitter.com/ribotminimus The other co-founder of Ribot. Does puns and runs in spare time.
http://www.tomato.co.uk Tomato was founded in 1991 as a collective comprising artists, designers, musicians and writers. the group develops cross platform, multi-media projects; both commercial and research based.
The Technology Strategy Board https://twitter.com/@innovate_uk The Technology Strategy Board is a business-focused organisation dedicated to promoting technology-enabled innovation across the UK.
Mindings on Google Play http://bit.ly/MindingsAndroidhttp://www.mindings.com Mindings enables your family to send personal captioned photos, text messages, calendar reminders, social media content and much more to a digital screen in a family member's home: instantly from your mobile phone.
"The Lean Start-Up" book Written by Eric Ries For sale on the Disruptive Social Care Bookstore, powered by Amazon http://astore.amazon.co.uk/dsc-podcas...
Pinterest http://pinterest.comhttps://twitter.com/Pinterest Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.
Fab http://eu.fab.comhttps://twitter.com/fab_europe/ Fab is Everyday Design. We're on a mission to help people better their lives with design.
#FFs Enabled by Design https://de.twitter.com/enabledbyhttp://enabledbydesign.org Community passionate about Design for All. We believe good design supports ppl to live independently & makes day-to-day tasks more manageable.
Pesky People https://twitter.com/peskypeoplehttp://www.peskypeople.co.uk Disability meets Digital using to improve access for Disabled + Deaf people.