Welcome to our twelfth Disruptive Social Care Podcast , we hope that you enjoy it!
Follow Shirley and Stuart on Twitter:
Stuart Arnott on Twitter: @MindingsStu
Shirley Ayres on Twitter: @ShirleyAyres
Show Notes
The Healthy Living Centre @HLCLC an impressive community resource in Lambeth which has an engaging, inclusive and inspired approach to supporting people with #dementia. @simonaflorio1 @Clairybums http://healthylivingclub.org.uk/
Changing the world of dementia -- one tweet at a time @WhoseShoes http://whoseshoes.wordpress.com/2012/...#dementiachallengers
"It's not about you: the truth about social media marketing" @timoreilly http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/ar...
Exploration on digital technology in later life #dtlater led by @davidwilcox and supported by the @nominettrust. The exploration is ongoing, if you were not able to attend you can share their thoughts on the social learning website. http://socialreporters.net/?p=872
"Doing services differently: local innovations for disabled people" a report from @theneweconomics & @scope. This report, presents examples of innovations developed by local authorities and providers that show how services can improve disabled people's lives. http://www.scope.org.uk/sites/default...
The Delicate Balance Of Online and Offline Influence @paulbromford with a great quote from @markwschaefer "Your ability to influence comes from what you have to offer"
Evaluation, on the (Cognitive and Digital) Edge @kieronkirkland a framework developed by @nominettrust http://www.nominettrust.org.uk/knowle...
How social work academics are using social media to support student learning Higher Education Academy @HEAcademy http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/...
How can the Health and Wellbeing Board in Leeds use Digital and Social Media? @claireOT http://claireot.wordpress.com/2012/10...
Suffolk Council criticised for cancelling Talking Books service for some blind users http://www.lgo.org.uk/news/2012/oct/s...
A Spotify equivalent for audiobooks? Bring it on... http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2012/...
Ceefax service closes down after 38 years on BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20032882
The Mindings App on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...
@TwitCleaner to analyse followers and can be very revealing about how people engage on Twitter! http://thetwitcleaner.com/
@nutshellmail tracks your social media activity and delivers a summary including new followers & quitters. http://nutshellmail.com/
@ValaAfshar Chief Customer Officer and CMO, @enterasys - Siemens Enterprise. for his insightful tweets about leadership, management and being a social business
@karlwilding Head of Policy & Research at @ncvo thoughtful posts and a deep understanding of the impact of public policy and the challenges confronting charities today .
@Info4Practice run by Professor Gary Holden New York University who provides information for social work and social care practice, news, research and scholarship http://ifp.nyu.edu/
@MaryBDropBy Founder of DropBy - a friendly, caring and supportive online community for older people. http://www.dropby.co.uk/
@TheMarkSadler who is passionate about senior care and runs the yourcarehome.co.uk website. He's recently partnered with Revoo to provide their care provider review service.
The National Children and Adult Services Conference 24th - 26th October #NCASChttp://www.adass.org.uk/index.php?opt...
@ESRC Festival of Social Science 3rd - 10th November 2012 http://www.esrc.ac.uk/news-and-events...
British Library Myths and Realities series: "Our ethnicity and identity - what does it all mean?" Tuesday 13th November http://www.bl.uk/whatson/events/event...
Munch, Poke, Ping! : A conference about Vulnerable Young People and Social Media 19th November. @StephenCarrickD
@RLSBcharity Technology Without Limits Designing For the 100% 30th November 2012 http://www.rlsb.org.uk/get-involved/t...
#Interactivism Think Kids Pitch Challenge http://bit.ly/RPVWN9
Sock Mob a volunteer network engaging with London's homeless who have supported a unique social enterprise that offers walking tours of London. http://sockmobevents.org.uk/ @UnseenTours