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  • Writer's pictureStuart

Date or No Date?

In a recent post, Mindings’ Stuart Arnott discussed the “person-centered design” philosophy behind the creation of Mindings, where the needs of the user are placed at the centre of the design of every aspect of the service.

We love getting feedback from users as it gives us the opportunity to make improvements to the service, and make it even more person-centred.  So, we were delighted to receive an email from a user, Susan, who told us:

I reused an old picture already in the Archive but gave it a new caption. When this happened, the original date remained, which caused some confusion with mum. Is there a way of controlling or preventing that?

This sounded like a good idea, and likely useful for other people and other purposes.  We figured that a simple fix was to offer the option of not showing the date at all when uploading or editing the picture on the Mindings Admin Site.

So, our CTO Ian Pleasance, jumped on his PC, and within four hours had implemented and deployed the new feature – and now it’s available for everyone.

In the Mindings Admin Site, click on the caption text on Stream Viewer.  You will then be offered the option of editing the caption and the location (“Where”) and Date (“When”).  As well as changing it to the date the photo was taken or a specific date, you can choose to show no date, as in the pictures below.

Watch this space for new features in the coming months, and if you have any feedback or suggestions don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

Mindings Team

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